#SfidaLowCost Pazza guida su come risparmiare a Malta

It's true, with the first video of the #SfidaLowCost series,

Barcelona , you were thrilled, amazed, moved, exalted and touched. Well, “touched” in a romantic sense, even if the video was really nice and I wouldn’t be surprised if someone … oh well, forget it.

Now, with the second video / masterpiece of this unparalleled series – you won’t believe it but – I managed to improve perfection and in addition I show you how many things you can do in Malta with few, few denarii . But before continuing to praise my work, you should see the masterpiece just below this writing. So we all talk about the same topic without getting confused.

Here are all the episodes of the series:

  1. Barcelona – 200 € (3 days all inclusive – See here )
  2. Malta – 250 € (4 days all inclusive … even diving!)
  3. Paris – 250 € (3 days all inclusive… and find a girl !? Look here )
  4. 4 days at 3,000km with less than 10cent per km – € 300 (4 days all inclusive – See here )

And yes, dear friends, we went to Malta. You and me. You and I. Please, I’m glad you enjoyed the tour. It makes 1000 €. You can send them to the mailbox IT67298 CLGGGSSS.

I had never been there before even though I am Sicilian and in the 18 years that I lived in Sicilian land it would have been enough for me to take a motorboat to get to that rock 30km long and 15 wide.

At first I was a little perplexed (yes, before leaving) and, when the trivago people called me politely and then forced me to go to that place, I was not enthusiastic.

Do you know why I never went there? In all sincerity?

Because in Malta go the freckled / pimply teenagers and those a little older than 18/25 years a little misfit who still hang out late in those environments; all people who

for the first time they move away from Mom and Dad,
after the disco, they throw up on the windshields of parked cars,
in the hotel they remove the safety devices of the fire extinguishers, which according to Wikipedia are mobile devices intended for extinguishing fires by autonomous emission of suitable products , but which they use to make wars inside the hotel corridors,
then they fall asleep standing in the showers, full of chemical powders and confetti.
De gustobus non est disputandum .

This was what I thought and, of course, to add PC (politically correct), I must say that it is not really that bad, there are those who like those things and yes, after all, holidays can be lived in a different way . But, what can you do, I’m always superficial.
In the end, however, I also went there and I also understood that Malta is an earthly paradise that ended up by chance in the middle of the Mediterranean and is poetry ; just know where to go and what to do … but let’s go in order.


Malta is a tiny piece of land that offers more than 5000 years of history that can be experienced with cooking, museums, archaeological sites and the sympathy of the people. Yes, the nice thing is that everyone is almost always very nice and helpful. They are half Greeks, Arabs, Sicilians, English, etc. etc. and of all these seem to have taken the best things. To see this strange race of men you must go to Malta because there are just over 400 thousand real Maltese and therefore the chances of seeing someone free in the rest of the world is very low.

The Maltese speak Maltese

Maltese, which is spoken by the Maltese, is the official language of Malta as well as a very particular idiom: it is practically an Arabic dialect with Latin, Sicilian influences and, why not, let’s also put on English.

On the radio you can hear سفاسفصا pastizzi! ديجبه أشجص quite ايجد أيجي very good .

The Maltese almost all speak Italian and English fairly well. They speak a million languages.

The other strange thing but that, when you think about it, is not so strange is that it is a Republic. It is a state in all respects, free and managed in full democracy by citizens. It is almost like Italy.

What to see in short

In the video I showed (in part) the most interesting things and therefore I’m not here to write yet. If you have been to Malta or you have read Malta correctly or you have a girlfriend from Malta and in the video you think something is missing, know that in ten minutes it is impossible to show everything; he would become one of the usual strapallose guides with the classic static images that take up the things seen and reviewed; instead it is an absolute cool.

And, after this arrogant premise, know that the island is small; in half an hour by car with the wrong guide, if you know the roads, you can cross it from tip to tip. As a result, you can see almost everything in a long weekend , like I did.

For all tastes

1. If you are a lover of locals and girls who have forgotten to dress, you can go to St. Julian , a former fishing village that fate wanted to become a playground for high school graduates. All this a few kilometers from Valletta.

2. If you love cliffs , beaches, trekking and these things here, then the island is fine for you too. There are places like Blue Grotto , Dingli Cliffs , the island of Comino and much more that does for strange ones like you.

3. If you love history, culture, art and architecture , good, good, good. Compliments. You are the people who run our society and, yes, Malta is fine for you too. For the pallid ones like you there is Mdina , which is a very beautiful country, and also Rabat , or Valletta , the capital which is chock full of these things, and Vittoriosa . Then there are many things scattered around the island such as Ħaġar Qim or Mnajdra (which, however cultured you may never be able to pronounce) and the National Museum of Archeology that I have not seen but if it is national it must be important.

4. If you love snow, skis, polar bears and Norwegian girls , even if there are many Norwegians who come here on vacation, I’m sorry, but you’ve got the wrong place. After all, we are talking about Malta, what did you expect?


1. Driving in Malta is a mess. And not because the cars build them upside down and because they consequently drive on the wrong side of the road but because there are no driving directions. And, when they are there, they are not clear or they were planted after the crossings.

2. In Malta there are many dangerous snakes and beasts of all kinds. It is not true, on the other hand there are goats that are called Maltese, but I don’t think they are only in Malta, but, if you want to get a culture on goats, http://www.agraria.org/caprini/maltese.htm

But let's get to us and to our exciting challenge

I wanted to clarify that those of trivago asked me kindly to interact more with the locals because in Barcelona only my ugly face was visible.

For the record I have:

  1. had an exchange of ideas with kids on the first evening;
  2. talked to a valet and then in underwear with a gentleman;
  3. played with Maltese football boys and surely one of them was a son of mine (see next point);
  4. I married.

As you may have already understood, I also won the second challenge; I know you were cheering for me, I am very grateful to you and your support was fundamental.

I had € 300 for four days and three nights and the more envious would say “oh well but in Malta, that is, it goes, € 300, in the sense, that is a lot of money, even I would have succeeded. O Giggi, it is not true, we ‘nchia in Malta, I am quite a sect. ”

Well yes, we can agree with Sole and Giggi that € 300 is more than enough to get around Malta, in fact the island is quite cheap but for trivago’s whims I had to:

  1. stay for 3 nights in a luxury 4 * hotel ;
  2. pay the return flight ;3.
  3. turn the whole island by car ;
  4. (without this) exploring the depths of the seas ;5.
  5. ingest restaurant food 3 times ;6.
  6. spend the best 4 days of my life .

1. The hotel

Those of trivago not only told me that I should have stayed in a 4 * hotel but that in addition this must have on their website either the green face or the green face. I found the Paradise Bay Resort with the green smiley face, at 33 € per night . This is a hotel in the tip of the island and, since I had a car, according to paragraph 2 of the regulation, it was not a problem, but even those who hate cars can stay there, as it is close to the town Cirkewwa and is well connected to the rest of the island.
Just to say, the hotel had the indoor swimming pool (salt water, do not drink) and all ‘ open , the breakfast was included in the offer, and then there was the disco , themusic in the evening , the gym etc. etc.

2. The flight

Malta is in the midst of … all international tourist routes and is connected with all of Europe. You can find low cost flights that depart both from many Italian cities and from the rest of the old continent. Luckily we also get that nice Irish company called Ryanair and it is with them that I arrived at 56 € in that place in the middle of the Mediterranean.

3. The machine and the benza

If for Barcelona my trusted friend was that stupid blinding yellow skateboard, in Malta I would have had as a faithful travel companion a stupid blinding red car that I rented for only 11 and broken € a day through Honkcarrental.com . € 33 in total making a simple calculation that everyone learns from elementary school.

To know how much I spent on petrol you should have done at least high school and the task would be like this:

If Gabriele turned like an idiot for an island 30Km long covering the inexplicable distance of 160Km and considering that the price of gasoline is around 1,460 € / l , with a dynamic friction coefficient equal to 340 (mu k) and given that the tires were deflated with a pressure of 2bar and the air temperature was 20C ° with an atmospheric pressure of 320pa, calculate how much Gabriele spent on petrol.

I think he makes around € 10 , which since they were few I had to add 3 more . So € 13 . I calculated it thanks to the gas station receipt, without puzzling over all those unnecessary calculations.

I think, as I say in the video, the machine will not be necessary but helpful . If it is true that by bus you save a lot because the subscription costs a few euros and you can reach all the places on the island, it is also true that by car or motorbike you can see things that perhaps even the Maltese have never seen because, yes, you you will lose, you will lose, you will always lose and you will like a mess.

4. Explore the depths of the seas

As trivago, they have not even considered that scuba diving requires a special license . They would have sent me to die without any problem in an anonymous place lost in the Mediterranean Sea, which are dear. Luckily I have everything and I can do most of the things on this planet and with my super preparation I was also suitable for exploring the depths of the Maltese seas. (I took the patent by chance in the Canaries a year ago and since then I hadn’t even bathed in the sea anymore).

Well, in any case they say that Malta is one of the most beautiful places in the Mediterranean and in the world to stay under water with cylinders and yes, I was there and I can say that it is.

Knowing nothing about diving and diving, I looked at the internet and there were many who offered packages. Among all I made contact with those of Bezz diving because they had the coolest logo of all, many dives to do and the prices were reasonable. The owners are two guys: Mark and Franca. Franca is Italian, Mark is beyond. I believe they are a couple. Boh, but it doesn’t matter.

The important thing is that in the end I went with them down to the depths of the abysses and with me there was a Danish guy who saved my life …

Yes, as soon as I got underwater, my trusty video camera stopped working and he, by chance, had an identical one, better equipped than mine from which I drew (what a nice participle) all the videos you have seen … in the video.

Who does not have the patent to go down can take it, I don’t know the cost but you can ask, and, as you have seen, going underwater is cool and it’s worth it; their dives start at € 30 and there are several offers.

5. Food and indigestion for breakfast

I have eaten in the restaurant several times. Everyone expected me to eat fish and instead … a twist, I only ate pasta, even if the fish cost the same amount and it was certainly better but

1. I didn’t want to be taken for granted,
2.why should strangers tell me what to do? I didn’t like fish and I didn’t                 eat  it, I wanted pasta.

• The first evening I arrived quite late in Valletta and the only thing I found         open was a place in the center that made Hamburger (Badass Restaurant).     I  spent € 7.95.
• On the second day I stuffed myself for breakfast and for lunch I enjoyed a         sandwich on the beach, paid 4 € with water. A great price given the                   location  and considering that the water was more than a liter long and           that the sandwich was almost half a meter long.
• On the evening of the second day I had dinner in Marsaxklosxxsklocc               (Matthew’s Bar and Restaurant); I had a plate of well-cooked and tasty               Maltese penne for € 9.80 including Pepsi.
• On the third day I exaggerated again at breakfast and for lunch I brought a       sandwich from the hotel, similar to that of the day before, for € 2.60.
• For dinner instead I went to Marsascala (Stuffed Olive) and I ate some              ravioli with water (not bottled in ravioli) for € 9.35.
• On the fourth day, after exaggerating at breakfast, I then took a sandwich at     the airport for another € 3.50 and in the evening I ate at my home, in my           sad accommodation in Turin, but this is no longer part of the challenge           and  it’s none of your business .
• During the holiday then I allowed myself some food on the beach; ice                 creams and other various shit.

For the whole holiday so I spent , according to the items above, € 272.1 , much below the 300 that I had available. And, since I had done enough good things before, I decided to save that money in an emergency in one of the next challenges. Considering that in Barcelona I have € 10 and now around € 30, I have almost € 40 margin even in the worst case.

6. To go through the 4 best days of my life

Briefly summarizing my life, I feel like saying that this permanence cannot be counted among the best days of my life; I remember with pleasure the day of my cousin Carmelo’s wedding or the time when my neighbor’s antipathy fell outside the car door when cornering. Certainly, however, this holiday in Malta was an unexpected surprise that I will want to repeat without taking you with me, for my own facts and to enjoy some sun and sea.

Other low cost tips

So: we (I) have said several times that Malta is a rather low cost destination, life is good and prices are reasonable almost everywhere, but for those who are looking for me like me to better optimize costs, here are some pearls.

1.As in Barcelona, ​​in Malta it is possible to buy a card: the Malta Pass ,                  which allows you to visit museums, attractions and many other things            at prices ranging from € 25 for a day or € 50 for three days. You can find            all the info here .
2.To find out more about museum prices , timetables etc. etc., this is the              site .
3.To save on the car it is good that the driver is over 25 years old , while              to save on petrol there would be a thousand things to say; for now just              do not go too fast and avoid revving the engine (but do I need to say                  these things?).
4.The restaurants all have excellent prices but, if you really don’t have                  money, they sell pastizzi , you saw them in the video; they are good,                  cheap and sated.


Thanks to Thomas Joergensen for the precious underwater shots and Luca Sgarbossa , without his contribution the video would not have been the same.

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Read also …

1. The guide to the most beautiful beaches in Malta … ready to widen                     your eyes? Here it is !
2. The #SfidaLowCost in Barcelona
3. What is #SfidaLowCost ?